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Tammy R
6 meses atrás

What an amazing day. We toured around part of the island while I was on a layover. Sara picked me up from the hotel , we spent the day together and she dropped me off at the hotel. I got to see the natural pools, the caves , wine area, a nice lunch and more. Sara is a great person and tour guide. I would highly recommend her. Thank you so much for the unforgettable day.

7 meses atrás

Sara is a fantastic guide and created a wonderful tour for us on very short notice. Her love for Terceira is very apparent, and she has boundless ideas of other places to explore.
Sara went above and beyond for us, and she even gave us some terrific advice for our upcoming visit to Sao Miguel island. Our time with Sara was a high point of our trip.

7 meses atrás

Sara is an amazing guide!
It has been a pleasure to meet her and discover Terceira together.
She drove my husband and I through the island and gives different prospectives talking about everything related the life at the Azores.
She is proud of this magnificent country and she's able to transmit many interesting information about it.
We love her kindness and happiness.
Definitely recommend!
Thank you, Sara!
Hope to see you in the future.

Patrícia Lima
7 meses atrás

Adorei a massagem! Excelente para relaxar e repôr a vitalidade.
A Sara é uma pessoa muito empática e atenta que promove uma abordagem holistica.

7 meses atrás

Sarah was amazing! She was full of energy and took us everywhere. We saw so much of the Island. She was so informative about the history of the island. I would recommend Sarah to anyone. You will not be disappointed. We definitely will use her the next time we go to see more of the Island.

8 meses atrás

Que experiência inesquecível é conhecer a Ilha Terceira com a Sara! Uma pessoa de alegria contagiante e uma leveza que logo nos faz descontrair. É apaixonada pelas cores, sabores, paisagens e história da sua terra encantadora, e nos faz sentir saudades quando lembramos - da guia e da ilha. Muito obrigada, Sara! ☀️

Sandra Marquês
9 meses atrás

A Sara é a Guia que qualquer pessoa que está de férias devia ter. Tem uma energia vibrante, olhos cheios de vida e sorriso aberto, é aquela pessoa que passado um bocado já é nossa amiga. De uma generosidade e entrega, o nosso passeio ultrapassou as expetativas. Super recomendo 🤍

9 meses atrás

I passed a wonderful unforgettable time with you Sarah. It was completely according to my wishes and my cozy tempo 😃 Thank from all my heart . I wish you all the best and many cool tourists 😎
🥰 Alexandra




Serviços Privados Personalizados









Permita-se desfrutar das paisagens deslumbrantes, da cultura riquíssima e da hospitalidade calorosa que a Ilha Terceira (Açores) tem para lhe oferecer. Com a Azores Zen Tours, operadora de turismo, poderá descobrir tudo isto, embarcando em momentos inesquecíveis que lhe permitirão desvendar as joias mais escondidas deste paraíso insular e experienciar as atrações imperdíveis da ilha. Aguardamos ansiosamente por recebê-lo e mostrar-lhe o que de melhor a nossa Ilha Terceira tem!

A Azores Zen Tours oferece-lhe uma vasta gama de pacotes turísticos, personalizados e adaptados às suas necessidades e desejos, pretendendo atender às suas preferências e garantir-lhe uma experiência única. Dedicamo-nos a oferecer-lhe serviços inclusivos e acessíveis, com um atendimento de excelência, para que desfrute ao máximo das suas férias.

Especial Famílias: Passeio que atende as necessidades e interesses, e à inclusão de todos os membros da família são objetivos muito importantes para nós enquanto operadores de turismo, acreditamos na importância de incluir todos , independentemente das suas diferenças e características.

O nosso objetivo é tornar a sua estadia o mais confortável e tranquila possível, cuidando de cada detalhe para garantir que tenha uma experiência inesquecível. Entre em contacto através do +351 929 139 872 para mais informações e faça a sua reserva. A Azores Zen Tours está à sua disposição para criar uma viagem feita à sua medida. Prepare-se para uma viagem inesquecível, com a Azores Zen Tours os sonhos são reais!


Tourism Services


Allow yourself to enjoy the stunning landscapes, the rich culture and the warm hospitality that Terceira Island (Azores) has to offer you. With Azores Zen Tours, a tour operator, you can discover all this, embarking on unforgettable moments that will allow you to discover the most hidden gems of this island paradise and experience the island's unmissable attractions. We look forward to welcoming you and showing you the best that our Terceira Island has to offer!

Azores Zen Tours offers you a wide range of tourist packages, personalized and adapted to your needs and desires, aiming to meet your preferences and guarantee you a unique experience. We are dedicated to offering you inclusive and accessible services, with excellent service, so that you can make the most of your vacation.

Special Families: tour for families meeting the needs and interests of all members and inclusion are very important goals for us as tour operators. Planning and executing trips with children can be simpler than it seems, we believe in the importance of including all people, regardless of their differences and characteristics.

Our goal is to make your stay as comfortable and peaceful as possible, taking care of every detail to ensure you have an unforgettable experience. Get in touch on +351 929 139 872 for more information and to make your reservation. Azores Zen Tours is at your disposal to create a tailor-made trip for you. Get ready for an unforgettable trip, with Azores Zen Tours dreams are real!


Sou a Sara Silva, mais conhecida por Sara Zen, profissional do turismo - certificada em turismo inclusivo, possuidora de conhecimento e habilidades de atendimento às necessidades dos viajantes, garantindo que todos tenham acesso a experiências de viagem inclusivas e acessíveis.  Terapeuta Holística Certificada, apaixonada pela natureza e por pessoas, de culturas e línguas diversas. Como profissional de turismo, tenho a oportunidade de compartilhar experiências incríveis que serão memórias inesquecíveis. Como Terapeuta Holística, posso ajudar as pessoas a encontrar o equilíbrio físico, mental e emocional, por meio das Terapias de Massagem, Reiki, Aromaterapia, Yoga e Mindfulness. Acredito que há um poder transformador nessas práticas que me fazem sentir gratificada em poder auxiliar no bem-estar das pessoas. Na natureza tenho o privilégio de trabalhar em locais onde posso admirar paisagens deslumbrantes e colaborar na preservação do meio ambiente. É gratificante poder compartilhar esta paixão com os turistas e incentivá-los a adotar práticas mais sustentáveis ​​durante as suas viagens. Adoro proporcionar momentos de bem-estar e felicidade, além de colaborar para um turismo mais consciente e responsável. O meu objetivo é proporcionar experiências  transformadoras, deixando um impacto positivo na vida das pessoas e no mundo ao nosso redor.


Desejosa por vos conhecer,


Sara Zen

Founder and CEO

I´m Sara Silva, better known as Sara Zen, Tourism Professional certified in inclusive tourism, having the knowledge and skills to meet the needs of travelers, ensuring that everyone has access to inclusive and accessible travel experiences. Holistic Therapist CERTIFIED. Passionate about nature and people from different cultures and languages. As a tourism professional, I have the opportunity to share incredible experiences that will be unforgettable memories. Additionally, as a Holistic Therapist, I can help people find physical, mental and emotional balance through Massage, Reiki, Aromatherapy, Yoga and Mindfulness therapies. I believe there is a transformative power in these practices that make me feel gratified to be able to help people's well-being. In nature, I have the privilege of working in places where I can admire stunning landscapes and collaborate in preserving the environment. It's rewarding to be able to share this passion with tourists and encourage them to adopt more sustainable practices during their travels. I love providing moments of well-being and happiness, as well as contributing to more conscious and responsible tourism. My goal is to provide transformative experiences, leaving a positive impact on people's lives and the world around us.


Looking forward to meeting you,


Sara Zen



Perguntas frequentes

What is the duration of your guided island tours?

The duration of our guided island tours varies depending on the itinerary. Please check our tour descriptions for more details.

Do your guided tours include transportation?

Yes, our guided tours include transportation in comfortable vehicles to ensure a hassle-free experience.

Are your guides bilingual?

Yes, our guides are bilingual and proficient in English, ensuring clear communication and a better understanding of the tour information.

Contact us

For inquiries or bookings, please fill out the form below. We will get back to you shortly.


Azores Zen Tours
Terceira, Azores, Portugal

About us

Azores Zen Tours is a tour company based in Terceira Island, Azores, whose mission is to make known its heritage, beauty and culture, create memorable experiences ensuring that your time in Terceira is full of inspiring moments. Book Azores Zen Tours for an unforgettable adventure on the Island of Jesus Christ.

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